
If you seek specialised sensor solutions, Nevo Sector offers high-quality sensors with unique features. Our Specific Solution Sensors are designed to provide precise and personalised solutions for many industries.

We are a leading supplier of Specific Solution Sensors, pivotal in aerospace, medical, automotive and many other fields. Our sensors with unique features enable the monitoring, control and measurement of detailed parameters, meeting the most stringent needs of our customers.

The benefits of our Specific Solution Sensors are invaluable. Through them, you can optimise production processes, increase efficiency and minimise errors. Our sensors are reliable, precise and robust, plus, ensure uninterrupted performance and excellent results. We offer a wide range of Specific Solution Sensors that can be customised to suit your company’s individual requirements.

Partnering with us gives you access to advanced sensing technologies that empower your business growth. Our Specific Solution Sensors are created with the latest innovations and techniques, ensuring accurate and reliable results.

нево сектор

Нево Сектор EООД – Компания базирана в София, България. Компанията е създадена през 1989 г. и Нево Сектор EООД е официалният дистрибутор на SSZ GMBH за България. Благодарение на дългогодишния опит в производствения сектор, SSZ GmbH предлага висококачествени продукти.

© 2026 Нево Сектор ЕООД. Всички права запазени.


ул. Околовръстен път 23, ет. 1
кв. Манастирски Ливади

Банкови сметки

BGN: BG54STSA93000027465444
EUR: BG20STSA93000027465474
USD: BG30STSA93000027465488