
Safety Light Curtains are a reliable and effective solution for employee and machine protection. Nevo Sector offers a full-scale solution if you are looking for high-quality light curtains.

Safety Light Curtains are designed to provide maximum workplace safety. They work on the principle of light detection, creating an optical shield that reacts to the interruption of a light beam by an object or person. Once the interruption is detected, safety light curtains respond immediately, stopping machinery and minimising the potential for accidents.

Partnering with Nevo Sector to manufacture Safety Light Curtains brings many benefits to your business. You can minimise the risk of accidents and employee injury, resulting in the improvement of efficiency and productivity.

On top of that, we offer end-to-end technical support and consultancy. Our experienced team assists you in selecting the appropriate components for Safety Light Curtains, their installation and configuration, plus the necessary training for your staff. Our solutions are reliable, high quality, and meet the most stringent safety standards.

нево сектор

Нево Сектор EООД – Компания базирана в София, България. Компанията е създадена през 1989 г. и Нево Сектор EООД е официалният дистрибутор на SSZ GMBH за България. Благодарение на дългогодишния опит в производствения сектор, SSZ GmbH предлага висококачествени продукти.

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BGN: BG54STSA93000027465444
EUR: BG20STSA93000027465474
USD: BG30STSA93000027465488