
Positioning Sensors play a pivotal role in many fields. If you seek reliable and precise components for position monitoring and control, Nevo Sector is the supplier you can rely on.

We are a reputable supplier of the components required to manufacture Positioning Sensors and allow you to accurately track and control the position of components, machines or vehicles. Positioning Sensors are ideal for the aerospace, automotive, medical, logistics and many other industries. Positioning Sensors enable you to streamline production processes, increase productivity and minimise errors. Our components are reliable and accurate, plus enable you to achieve superior results within your industry.

When you partner with Nevo Sector, you gain access to reliable and precise Positioning Sensors, as well as technical support and advice to help you succeed in your industry – whatever industry you are in, our components allow you to optimise your processes, increase productivity and improve your product quality.

нево сектор

Нево Сектор EООД – Компания базирана в София, България. Компанията е създадена през 1989 г. и Нево Сектор EООД е официалният дистрибутор на SSZ GMBH за България. Благодарение на дългогодишния опит в производствения сектор, SSZ GmbH предлага висококачествени продукти.

© 2026 Нево Сектор ЕООД. Всички права запазени.


ул. Околовръстен път 23, ет. 1
кв. Манастирски Ливади

Банкови сметки

BGN: BG54STSA93000027465444
EUR: BG20STSA93000027465474
USD: BG30STSA93000027465488