Industrial Solutions

We offer the following services to our clients:
We provide industrial solutions with the help of our electronic and software engineers.

3D design of various models

Creating 3D images

Design of electronic devices

We design any type of electronic devices to the client's specifications.

Create a prototype

We create with you - starting from the idea, reaching the prototype and finally serial production

Solutions for a better working environment

In addition, we also offer solutions for a better working environment.

We work with engineers who are professionals with many years of experience in the field of mechanical engineering.
The entire team of engineers is prepared for any challenges we may throw at them.

нево сектор
Nevo Sector Ltd. – A company based in Sofia, Bulgaria. The company was established in 1989 and NEVO SECTOR LTD. is the official distributor of SSZ GMBH for Bulgaria. Thanks to long years of experience in the manufacturing sector, SSZ GmbH provides high-quality products.

© 2026 Nevo Sector Ltd. | All rights reserved.


Okolovrasten Pat Str. 23 , floor. 1
kv. Manastirski Livadi

Bank accounts

BGN: BG54STSA93000027465444
EUR: BG20STSA93000027465474
USD: BG30STSA93000027465488